Whole Earth Meditation
- Come into full presence of your current surroundings. Take mental note of all of the sensory details.
- Now lift out of the environment you find yourself in and look down on it from above. Lift out further and see the entire neighborhood or area that you are in.
- Now expand out and lift higher and higher into space. From space, view the Earth as a single luminous blue mandala. See the Earth from all angles. See it as a planetary orb, a wheel spinning in space with an essential value, its dharma or truth.
- Visualize the whole of life on Earth, from the animals, to the plants, to the humans down to the insects and plankton. See it all as one whole system.
- The whole of the life on the Earth is the biosphere, or the sphere of life that covers the surface of the Earth like a film or vibrant mantle that is ever in motion. Really visualize how all of the different life forms and processes are one unity on this shining blue orb.
- Now let your mind penetrate beneath the surface of the Earth. Feel the spherical layers of sediment and crystalline rock. Go to the core and find the massive iron crystal octahedron.
- Feel this crystal core as a dynamic radio receiver elongated in the direction of each of its magnetic poles. Place yourself in meditation at the very center of that crystal radio receiver. Who is the Earth receiving? What is the Earth broadcasting? Where is the Earth receiving? What messages is Earth giving you right now?
Noosphere Meditation
The Noosphere can function only by releasing more and more
spiritual energy with an ever higher potential.
—Teilhard de Chardin, The Future of Man
This exercise can be done by anyone, alone or preferably in a group.
- Sit in meditation posture with spine straight, hands on knees. Clear your mind, dissolving all thoughts with your exhalation—it matters not what the thought, especially all thoughts of subjective attachments, likes, dislikes, etc. Give yourself at least five minutes, much longer if you can. The goal is to get some glimpse of a calm, serene, lucid, and peaceful awareness.
- Then, visualize the whole Earth as if from outer space. See it spinning, a swirling blue and white ball, a synchronic unity, always simultaneously night and day. Feel its dispassionate embrace of all beings and everything comprising its biosphere without exception, without praising or blaming anyone or anything. Place the whole Earth spinning within your heart just as it is seen from space.
- Now feel into the disparity between the human in its limited, provincial partiality and the whole Earth. Feel the suffering, the hungry, the poor, the sick, the refugees, feel the confusion and the misery, the alienation, the anger and the frustration that are part and parcel of the limited provincial mind-sets. Then think: This suffering is unnecessary, caused by wrong views of reality and ignorance of our planetary nature and role on this whole Earth.
- Next practice breathing in the darkness, ignorance, sickness, and suffering, and transmute it all into light in the core of your being, which is the core of the Earth. As you exhale, breathe out light, consciousness, objectivity, compassion, and love to every being on Earth without exception, embracing everyone and everything just as the Earth does. Especially embrace those whom you think might be your enemies. Dissolve them in the light of your love.
- Practice taking in the suffering and breathing out the light for maybe ten minutes. Feel in yourself the lucid, impartial, universal compassion of the Earth as being no different than your own consciousness. Really feel it. This is the first step to activating the noosphere. Then proclaim: “I am one with the Earth; the Earth and my self are one mind.” Repeat this slowly several times; imprint it. Learn to breathe with the Earth; untie the knots.
Have nearby a globe, an Earth flag, or picture of the whole Earth from space.
This is how you can begin to overcome your ego and merge your consciousness into the noosphere and become a noospheric activator.
This meditation is from Manifesto for the Noosphere: The Next Stage in the Evolution of Human Consciousness.
Key Dates
Solar Equinox Celebration: Solar Moon Dali 15 (Gregorian March 21)
Northern Hemisphere Spring Equinox, Southern Hemisphere Autumn Equinox
Crystal Solstice Celebration: Crystal Moon Seli 23 (Gregorian June 21)
Northern Hemisphere Summer Solstice, Southern Hemisphere Winter Solstice.
Day Out Of Time: Peace Through Culture Love – in No day of the week – Galactic Freedom Day
(Gregorian July 25)
Electric Moon Equinox Celebration: Electric Moon Gamma 3 (Gregorian September 22)
Northern Hemisphere Autumn Equinox, Southern Hemisphere Spring Equinox.
Rhythmic Moon Solstice: Rhythmic Moon Seli 9 (Gregorian December 21)
Northern Hemisphere Winter Solstice, Southern Hemisphere Summer Solstice.
Banner of Peace
The Banner of Peace can be visible during all of these celebrations as the unifying symbol to integrate art, science and universal spirituality, the past, present, and future. The World Thirteen Moon Calendar Change Peace Movement has adopted the Banner of Peace as one of its official logos. Under the auspices of the Founders, the Foundation of the Law of Time coordinates the activities of the Planet Art Network and the World Thirteen Moon Calendar Change Peace Movement.
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